

Mission Statement

To provide the middle market business owner their advisors and banking relationship in this distressed environment the same opportunity, experience, skills and concepts that private equity groups encompass in building their platform companies and teams. 

Providing a survival assessment, create a vision, team, financing, and acquisition/divestiture or combination to enable a restructuring and continuation or optimization the value of the business.

A.        Assessment of the business and its strengths, weaknesses and daily management needs.
I.          Intelligence – Create a vision of a turnaround/highest value by forming suitable acquisitions, partners and combinations.
S.         Solutions – Identify companies/partners that will add strengths, markets, teams and the rationalization of manufacturing.
F.         Financial – Business plans, projections & financial scenarios.
T.         Time - Work with lenders and owners to achieve and execute the vision within 12-14 weeks.


(Coming Soon)


AISFT Team – Recognized, experienced professionals that can implement the

Assessment (A)– Intelligent analysis (I) – Solutions / options (S) – Financing (F) – Timing (T)


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