

Goldman Venture II (What we offer and how we are different)

  1. Create a vision and a team that is bankable.
  2. We will offer the business owner and lenders options to keep business operating while reducing the lenders exposure.
  3. Our team will identify options/opportunities and then create and execute the vision, restructuring, turnaround or divestiture that is developed.
  4. The GV II team will be onsite and engaged to help the business owner navigate through this difficult business environment.
  5. On-Site team – all On-Site managers/CRO’s are experienced professionals. (See Bio's)
  6. The home team members will work to develop and execute all of the options available as developed by the team.
  7. The GV11 principals have many years of owning businesses and dealing with the private equity concepts of creating a bankable vision, acquisitions, divestiture, financing, and running individual companies.


AISFT Team – Recognized, experienced professionals that can implement the

Assessment (A)– Intelligent analysis (I) – Solutions / options (S) – Financing (F) – Timing (T)


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